Everybody has a dream, however big or small it is, how ever young or old you are... You could be a child dreaming of being a fairy princess, or an old lady dreaming of going to heaven...
Dreams are important because if we didn't have them, then we would have no hopes and have nothing to strive towards. I would just like to share my dream...
I have a short term dream and a long term dream...
My short term dream is to save up £1000 and buy myself a macbook. This may sound simple, but i am not just trying to follow the crowd and get every apple product a valuable, instead I am going to use the software to the extreme and create my own YouTube channel. This will not be my 'job' but my 'hobby' . This
will happen. And once it has I will be able to tick a very large box off my 'things to do list'
second dream is my life plan. I have absolutely no idea what career path I will choose, which worries me in all honesty! But I do know that I would love to do something which expresses my creativity... (Whether that would tie in with my short term dream I am not sure!) but whatever job I have, I know that I want to be
successful. This word describes most peoples perfect lifestyle, but there is a reason for that... So I want to be able to buy my own house, I want to be able to treat myself, but aslong as I have worked for my money, and therefore my dream, there would be nothing else I would ask for! I want to be able to travel, and to be free, to wake up one morning in the Cotswolds countryside, and the next in the buzzing heart of New York City.
Dreams are what you make of them ✌️
P.s. If anyone actually read this... :') then can you tell me which macbook I should get because I'm not sure. Lul.